The General Speaks
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Free tours of Grant Homestead & School
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM Period Music by Harriot Jackson Groh
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM “The General Speaks”: Topic “The Confederate Officers Ulysses Knew” & “Q & A” Presented by Dr. Curt Fields as General Ulysses S. Grant
Visit 4 Grant murals, 2 Grant statues, & Find lunch at a local restaurant
After the program: U.S. Grant Homestead Association Membership Meeting
The General Speaks - US Grant on his Union Officers
Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Gaslight Theater, Curt Fields will present: “The General Speaks”, General Grant on his Union Officers. This free program is brought to you by the U.S. Grant Homestead Association. The program will start promptly at 1:30pm with period music.
Holiday Home Tour
Starting at the US Grant Boyhood Home on 219 E. Grant Ave in Georgetown, Ohio, enjoy a tour of six beautiful historic homes around Georgetown from 1-5 pm.
Mural Dedication
Georgetown, Ohio is becoming a town of murals, thanks to the skill of Kevin Miller. Miller is completing his third mural in his hometown. His latest is a three-scene mural of U.S. Grant, Lt. General of the Army and 18th President of the United States. Grant lived in Georgetown 16 years, longer than anywhere else.
This year is the 200th Anniversary of Grant’s Birthday. The mural is on the building at 120 S. Main St., owned by Tom Mayes. It features General Grant at the Cold Harbor campsite, Grant riding a horse past the Brown County Courthouse, “Coming Home”, and President Grant. Miller said, “ I am very proud to paint these scenes of General Grant. My brother, Mike, was a Grant living historian for twenty-five years and in addition to the Bicentennial, it is a tribute to him.”
The mural will be dedicated by the U.S. Grant Homestead Association on President’s Day, February 21, 2022 at 2pm at the mural site.
Miller studied art at Georgetown High School under John Ludy. Ludy said, “Kevin showed great promise as an artist in my art class and I’m glad he is sharing his talent with us in his hometown.” Miller attended North West Missouri University as a runner and put his interest in art aside for a few years and then started painting again when he was inspired by famed artist John A Ruthven. Miller traveled around Ohio and surrounding states teaching art. He painted “Coming Home” as a fundraiser for the U.S. Grant statue at the Veteran’s Home. His other murals are of Jesus across the street from this mural, and on the Veteran’s service building on Home Street.
The idea for the Grant mural was suggested by Margie Ellis, Nancy Montgomery, Susan Bean, Joyce Tull, and Amanda Brown. Another mural is being planned during the Bicentennial. Contributions can be sent to the U.S. Grant Homestead Association, PO BOX 431, Georgetown, Ohio 45121.
Holiday Home Tour
The tentative date for the 2019 Holiday Home Tour will be Sunday, December 8th.
18th Annual Reverse Raffle & Dinner
The Homestead Association, in conjunction with the Brown County Chamber of Commerce, will hold the 18th Annual Reverse Raffle & Dinner on Saturday, November 2nd. Admission includes dinner and the chance to win a $1,000, $500, or $250 prize. Silent and regular auctions will go all night, plus a split-the-pot drawing and the first chance of the year to buy Grant Days raffle tickets.
Doors open at 5:30, and dinner will be served at 7. Tickets are strictly limited to 200, and may be bought from the Association or Chamber. For more information, call 877 - 372 - 8177.