─── Morgan's Raid ───
In the July of 1863, as the nation's attention was focused on the monumental battles unfolding in Pennsylvania and Mississippi, a small force of Confederate cavalry slipped away from their camp in Kentucky. Crossing the Ohio River and dashing north, they traveled over 1,000 miles, burned over 30 bridges, and caused nearly a million dollars in damage in Ohio alone before the summer was out. While too big an operation to document totally, the Assoc has made available an overview of the 'The Greatest Raid' in Brown County, which can be read here.
In the center of Georgetown, there is a marker mapping the trails Morgan's men took through the area. Additionally, newly placed roadside markers faithfully follow their route through modern-day roads. An overview of the trail can be found on two different trail guides, one about Brown county in general, and the other about Georgetown specifically. A letter from the time, written by long-time resident 'Aunt Betsy' can also be read.
South of Georgetown, at the Ripley public library, is a marker raised to the Squirrel Hunters, the militia of ramshackle backwoodsmen and hunters mobilized to stop earlier Confederate raids in 1862. The Assoc. has its own write-up on the subject, which can be read here.