Print out The Road to the White House brochure/Track Your Progress Map, the US Grant Boyhood Home Contest Entry Form, and the above “sticker”
Read “Hiram Grant Is Born” and “The Story of the Stone”
Watch the YouTube video “US Grant Visiting His Boyhood Home”
Answer the questions on the US Grant Boyhood Home Contest Entry Form
Mail your completed US Grant Boyhood Home Contest Entry Form by no later than November 1, 2021 to: The Bailey House, 112 N. Water St., Georgetown, OH 45121. This will enter you into our drawing for $100: two $50 bills—remember, US Grant’s face is on the $50 bill!
Cut out the US Grant Boyhood Home “sticker” and tape it over the “Stamp Here” circle to the left of the Grant Boyhood Home photo (#9) on the Track Your Progress Map.
When you finish visiting Project sites, mail in your Track Your Progress Map to the address listed on the Map by no later than November 1, 2021. (You will then receive this map back in the mail with a Project Completion Certificate. Certificates and prizes will be sent to any student who visits, either in person or virtually, at least 3 of the Presidential sites listed on the Map. A special prize will be sent to those who visit all 10 sites.)